Friday, October 5, 2007

With Grandpa Jim, learning the cowboy ways

Grandpa Jim's
little cowboy —>

Notice the tiny cowboy hat!

<— Dreaming of rocking horses and barns wearing those cute little puppy dog moccasins

Luca and Mommy

Here are a couple of photos of Heather and Luca


The many expressions of Luca

Hard to know what's going on in his little head, but Luca sure is expressive: contemplative, learning to whistle, dirty diaper, in love with my moms?

proud mama

Barb is usually the one behind the camera. Here are a couple of photos Heather has caught of her and Luca.

punk or prim and proper?

Luca's moms keep playing with his hair. Guess which mom prefers the Mohawk and which mom prefers the Orville Reddenbacher look?